It has been almost 8 years since my last post. That's a long time. This may be a one off, or it may not. Let's just feel it out and see how it goes.
When we last connected, my kids were 9 and 7. They're now 17 and 14. Yeah. That gap was a super big transition. Since then, I've been married and separated, got a job and got laid off from that job, sold a house and bought a new one, left a city that wasn't comfortable and moved to a city where I feel more at home, and my kids have started the inevitable puberty. I felt like I was getting the hang of things and then the rules completely changed.
There's lots of good things and lots of struggles. That's just how life is.
Do people even blog anymore? I guess I'll just stick this out there in the event that people still read.
I still stand by my old statement of "Parenting is like video games". When you level up, it gets more difficult. Let's see if I can organize the confusion of my thoughts into something worth reading. Wish me luck!